Greater Tucker Missionary Baptist Ministries

Children and Youth Ministry – training for the teachings of Jesus Christ; participation in wholesome, supportive activities as aspiring, baptized Christians; promotes church attendance for ages 0-17.

Culinary Ministry – regulate operation of the kitchen in accordance with church policies; assist pastor and membership when food is required to support church activities; maintains calendar of events requiring use of culinary facilities.  

Beverly Kennedy, President

Girl  Scouts- recognized throughout the church as one of the premier source of girl leadership. It is our vision to lead girls through encouragement and enriched activities that encourage young girls to become responsible and dedicated young ladies. The girl scouts program is designed to help girls develop their full individual potential as well as the ability to relate to others with increasing understanding, skill, and respect. This ministry also gives girls an opportunity to develop values to guide their actions, and provide a foundation for sound decision-making; that contribute to improvement of society through their abilities, leadership skills, and cooperation with others. Our Girl Scouts Ministry service girls ages 5-8.

Men's Ministry – Provide for laity of church to be involved in work of church; develop lay membership spiritually; involve their talents, time and energy in overall development of church program. 

Minister William Daniel, Chairperson

Marriage Ministry- To study, explore and apply relative scriptures and Biblical principles to enhance and strengthen marriages. This is not for counseling or involvement in personal marital issues. 

James and Sister Patricia Roberts, Facilitators

Missionary Ministry – Provide evangelical ministries to the church membership and at large community by spreading gospel and minister to the spiritual, socio-economical needs of the members. 

Deacon Levan Gardner, President

Music Ministry - Provides worshipful music for all services and ministries of the church when appropriate, organize and train choirs.

Enoushall Kilgore, Minister of Music

Health and Wellness Ministry – Provide comfort and support during worship and funeral services and special events; provide first aid care in case of emergencies. 

Tabatha Grayson, President

Sunday School – Provide classes with instructional curriculum and materials to help members understand the doctrines and teachings of the HOLY BIBLE and application to daily living; offer a vacation bible school program and other program opportunities. 

Minister Leonard Ross, Superintendent; Montil Swanson, Assistant Superintendent

Usher Ministry – Facilitate an orderly worship service through greeting, seating, directing traffic flow, dispensing programs, etc. and assisting at all services. Ellen Caudle, Volunteer Ushers; Montil Swanson, Usher Board #2

Young Adult Ministry (Y.A.M) – Young adult ministry catering to middle age adults working together to better the community as well as themselves through Christ. 

Dawn Dodd, Ministry Leader



Benevolent Committee – Overseen by the Mission Ministry, evaluates and provides assistance to those in need.

Finance and Budget Committee – Prepare, account and disburse all monies taken in by the church. 

Kim Gardner, Finance Chair

Hospitality/Announcement Committee – Welcomes to the services members and visitors and provides information of church events, meetings and special programs. 

Nursery Committee – Provides quality nursery program and volunteers during church worship services.

Scholarship Committee – Responsible for developing criteria for distributing funds from the “E.P.Crutcher” Scholarship fund to qualifying church members and providing the program for recognizing and awarding scholarships. 

Deacon Ezra Harris, Chairman